Laban Hihu Mwangi
Summary of professional experience
Laban is the Chief Executive Officer having joined JCS in 2012. He has a wealth of experience gained from over 20 years of experience in finance and accounting, business administration and strategy management. has previously worked in. Laban has worked in microfinance institutions such as Faulu Kenya in various capacities as an accountant and Senior Accountant, Mwalimu Cooperative Sacco and Site enterprises promotion as a Finance and Administration manager and Head of Finance and strategy in JCS.
His core competencies include fundraising, budgeting, financial management, systems knowledge, implementation of business and financial plans and Cash flows, liquidity management and treasury management. He has acquired MBA Banking and Finance (Microfinance Option), a Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting and Finance) Option, and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA K) and a member of ICPAK.