Chama Account

Benefits of Finnlemm Chama/Corporate Account

  • Regular investment forums to educate you on available investment opportunities
    Your Savings will earn interest at the end of the year
  • Inclusion of fixed deposit account with competitive interest rates
  • Contribution can be easily done via mobile banking service
  • Easy account opening requirements
  • We will facilitate registration of your group with the concerned registering body.
  • Easy access to credit of up to 3times of your savings.
  • Longer Repayment period, up to 60 months.
  • Affordable interest rates on credits unlike other financial institutions
  • Minimum monthly group contribution of Kshs5, 000 only
  • No monthly charges.
  • Registration fee of Kshs1, 500 only
  • Access to the INUA Loan at competitive rates


INUA Chama Loan

This loan is granted to corporates and registered chamas.

Scope of loans to be limited to wealth creation activities and property acquisition


  • Granted 3 times of the group deposits
  • Repayable within 60 months
  • Interest charged at 1% per month on a reducing balance method
  • Flexible security for the loan i.e. guarantors or approved collateral
  • Appraisal fee of 1.5% one off