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Seeking funds for unexpected outcomes? Do not get stressed! Call us for support. An emergency is defined as an unforeseen event or expense. Most common examples are court fines, medical illness or death within the family which is beyond a members control. With a supporting document like a medical bill, you can qualify for an emergency loan to meet these expenses. ⦁ Processed within 24 working hours after submission of all required documents. The key requirements are as follows:
- Emergency loans are repaid within a period of 12 months.
- Loan is granted up to 4 times one’s deposits.
- Interest charged at 1% per month on reducing balance method.
More requirements include: -
- Emergency loans have a maximum of Kshs. 500,000
- Member to attach supporting documents to application form e.g. medical bill, death certificate
N:B For payment charges refer to Tariff Guide under downloads.