Merchandise Loan

We offer outstanding rates if you are looking to furnish your home with the latest electrical appliances-basically home improvement. No matter what your budget is, you can get that Samsung fridge, apple laptop, increase your farm output by applying for a special loan. All you need is to do is simply attach to the loan application form pro-forma invoices from your supplier for the goods and or services being purchased.

The key requirements are as follows:

  • Applicant must attach to the loan application pro-forma invoices from his/her supplier for the goods and or services being purchased.
  • Upon approval, Finnlemm will write the cheque to the supplier.
  • Merchandise loans are repaid within a period of 24months.
  • Interest charged at 1% per month on a reducing balance method.
  • Loan advanced up to 4 times of member’s deposits

More requirements include: -

  • Limit based on the members income and paying capability.
  • Member must clear the existing loan before applying for a new merchandise loan.
  • Generally, the loan will cover assets and services including shares so with Finnlemm you can get a piece of the NSE.

N:B For payment charges refer to Tariff  Guide under downloads.